Thanks for the encouragement, Alan. Those wise words calmed me down and helped me to trust myself. And again, the ideas and the writing came together very slowly, but it ended up being one of the best pieces I’ve produced in years.

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That sounds like a wonderful way to spend some time! Jacksonville, Florida is tops on my list. There's no shortage of things to see and do there. And the scenery is gorgeous. Then north to see your father and new family members. Wow! My dad passed away 14 years ago. Those are moments to be cherished. Welcome back to substack.

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Thanks, Lois. Jacksonville was a revelation. If you weren't on the freeways or downtown, you'd never know it was a city of almost a million people. I'm looking forward to going back. I want to return to American Beach and Kingsley Plantation... very interesting history there.

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Glad to know about how Jacksonville has bloomed. I visited there regularly in the 1980s and remember it as big and somewhat industrial (though I don’t know what those industries would have been). I must visit those gardens you mention. Jealous of your pomegranate tree. Do you have persimmons?

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